Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Healthcare organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare organizations - Essay Example In the technological environment, various advancements have been made in the field of medicine. Science and technology have continually led to new diagnosis methods and treatments. This put pressure on the healthcare organization to purchaseth-new methods of diagnosis and treatment so as offer quality services to the US population. For instance, in US hospitals, paper medical records are being replaced by the by the electronic health records. This ensures that documents cannot get lost easily (Sultz et al., 2014).In the economic sector, the US health care organizations have been affected the employment rates and inflation. Many people in the US seek health care services, as the employment rate is high. In 2012, the average spending per individual on health in us exceeded that of other countries through their infant mortality and life expectancy was not good. Many Americans are they can readily access services using the insurance cover (Sultz et al., 2014).The banks as players in the financial sector have been offering the health care organizations money to purchase equipment or buildings for expansion. In late 2008 and 2009, the US banking system almost collapsed. Thismakesitdifficultforthe healthcare organizations to borrow finances for new equipment and building thus jeopardizing the operations of the health sector (Barr, 2011). The Indian healthcare organization is greatly affected by sociocultural factors. Many people in India are poor and uneducated. This greatly affects their health-seeking behavior.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Compare and Contrast Call of the Wild Essay Essay Example for Free

Compare and Contrast Call of the Wild Essay Essay Jaguars are the largest of South Americas big cats. They once roamed from the southern tip of that continent north to the region surrounding the U.S.-Mexico border. Today significant numbers of jaguars are found only in remote regions of South and Central America—particularly in the Amazon basin. These beautiful and powerful beasts were prominent in ancient Native American cultures. In some traditions the Jaguar God of the Night was the formidable lord of the underworld. The name jaguar is derived from the Native American word yaguar, which means he who kills with one leap. Unlike many other cats, jaguars do not avoid water; in fact, they are quite good swimmers. Rivers provide prey in the form of fish, turtles, or caimans—small, alligator like animals. Jaguars also eat larger animals such as deer, peccaries, capybaras, and tapirs. They sometimes climb trees to prepare an ambush, killing their prey with one powerful bite. Most jaguars are tan or orange with distinctive black spots, dubbed rosettes because they are shaped like roses. Some jaguars are so dark they appear to be spotless, though their markings can be seen on closer inspection. Jaguars live alone and define territories of many square miles by marking with their waste or clawing trees. Females have litters of one to four cubs, which are blind and helpless at birth. The mother stays with them and defends them fiercely from any animal that may approach—even their own father. Young jaguars learn to hunt by living with their mothers for two years or more. Jaguars are still hunted for their attractive fur. Ranchers also kill them because the cats sometimes prey upon their livestock.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Cause and Effect of the Subprime Mortgage Crisis :: Financial Crisis Mortgage Sub-Prime

The subprime mortgage crisis is an ongoing event that is affecting buyers who purchased homes in the early 2000s. The term subprime mortgage refers to the many home loans taken out during a housing bubble occurring on the US coast, from 2000-2005. The home loans were given at a subprime rate, and have now lead to extensive foreclosures on home loans, and people having to leave their homes because they can not afford the payments. (Chote) The cause and effect of this crisis can be broken down into five major reasons. When subprime mortgages began to flourish, the term housing bubble came into existence. The term relates to the time in which houses sharply increased in value, and consumers often borrowed at less than the lowest rates. People believed that the price of their homes would rise and they could then refinance for lower payments. The problem with that mentality is many people didn’t just refinance for lower payments, they also refinanced for personal spending. Inflation of home prices meant homeowners suddenly had more equity and were able to spend the money as they chose. All good things must come to and end. In late 2005, the housing bubble burst, and housing began to decline in price. People who refinanced, particularly those who financed with variable interest rates suddenly found their homes were valued at much less. The housing market became flooded with homes for sale, because the homeowners with variable rates and interest only loans could not continue to make their payments. (Greenspan) The rise in the number of homes for sale caused further lowering of home values. Keeping in mind that the main reason for the mortgage crisis is the high number of defaulted home loans, which triggered foreclosures and sell offs. The other four contributing factors include high-risk loans, the bust in the housing market, mortgage fraud, and speculation. High-risk loans are loans that are over leveraged, where the financing is done more than the suggested values to be given. (Greenspan) This can result in immediate sell off when the property falls below that loan amount and to avoid further loss the banks start raising the installment. The housing market has seen pressure as a result of the over pressure on most homeowners by increasing rates. This affects people ability to make the payments, resulting in defaults. This is the problem with the burst in the housing market. The third major factor that is causing the mortgage crisis is, mortgage fraud.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Island of the Sequined Love Nun Chapter 39~41

39 Showtime The Sky Priestess rolled over in bed and slapped the beeping intercom as if it was a mouthy stepchild. â€Å"I'm sleeping here,† she said. â€Å"Get in character, Beth. We have an order, due in Japan in six hours.† â€Å"Why don't these fuckers ever call at a civilized hour?† â€Å"We guarantee freshness. We have to deliver.† â€Å"Don't grow a sense of humor on me at this point, Sebastian. The shock might kill me. Who's the chosen?† â€Å"Sepie, female, nineteen, a hundred and ten pounds.† â€Å"I know her,† the Sky Priestess said. â€Å"What about our pilot?† â€Å"I'm putting two of the staff on him to make sure he stays in his bungalow.† â€Å"He's still going to hear it. Are you sure you don't want to sedate him?† â€Å"Use your head, Beth. He has to fly. We'll do it with smaller explosions. Maybe he'll sleep through it.† She was wide awake now and starting to feel the excitement and anxiety of a performance. â€Å"I'll be ready in twenty minutes. Have the ninjas start my music.† Tuck had Favo in a headlock and was administering affectionate noogies to the old man's scalp. â€Å"I love this fuckin' guy. This fuckin' guy is the best. I love all you fuckin' guys.† Malink had never seen noogies and wondered why this bizarre ritual had never showed up in the party scenes in People. He prided himself on understanding white people's habits, but this was a new one. Favo didn't seem to be enjoying the ritual nearly as much as Tuck was. The tuba had all been drunk. Maybe it was time to rescue his friend. â€Å"Now we go find the girl-man,† Malink said. Tuck looked up, still holding Favo, whose eyes were starting to bug out a little. â€Å"‘Kay,† the pilot said. Malink led them into the village, his bowlegged gait more wobbly than normal. A dozen Shark men and Tucker crashed and staggered behind him. As they passed by the bachelors' house and onto the trail that led to Sarapul's side of the island, the music started: big band sounds with easy liquid rhythms echoed through the jungle. The Shark men stopped in their tracks and when the music paused, just for a second, they shouted, â€Å"Pennsylvania 6-5000!† and the music began again. â€Å"What's that?† Tucker asked. Women and children were stirring from their sleep, creeping off into the bushes to pee, rubbing sleepy eyes and stretching creaky backs. Malink said, â€Å"The Sky Priestess is coming.† â€Å"Who?† Tuck finally released Favo, who he had been dragging by his head. The old man gasped, then grinned and sat splayed-legged on the trail. â€Å"We have to go,† Malink said. â€Å"You should go back now.† The music paused and Malink, along with the rest of the Shark People, shouted, â€Å"Pennsylvania 6-5000!† â€Å"Go now,† Malink ordered, once again the chief. â€Å"The Sky Priestess comes. We must get ready.† He turned and strode back into the village. The other Shark men scattered, leaving Tucker standing on the trail by himself. Tuck heard the sound of large prop planes mixing with the big band music. The Shark People were draining out of the village onto the trails that led to the runway. Within seconds, the village was deserted. Tuck staggered back to the beach where he'd left his fins and mask. As he stepped over the logs of the drinking circle, there was an explosion and he thought for a moment that he'd found another land mine until he realized that the sound had come from the direction of the runway. Not trusting himself to find the path through the village, Tucker decided to follow the beach back to the compound. After he'd gone a hundred yards or so, he saw something white lying on the beach and bent to pick it up. A long spiral notebook. The moon was high in the sky and he could see a name printed on the cover in bold permanent marker: JEFFERSON PARDEE. Beth Curtis, dressed in surgical greens, waved the guards away from Tuck's door and knocked. She waited a few seconds and knocked again, then walked in. She could just make out a sleeping figure through the mosquito net. â€Å"Case, get up. We've got to fly.† The body did not stir. â€Å"Case?† She pulled aside the netting and poked the sleeping figure. A green coconut rolled out of the bed and thumped at her feet. â€Å"You sleep with a coconut? You pathetic bastard.† She jumped back and a groggy Tucker Case groaned. â€Å"What?† â€Å"Wake up. We fly in half an hour.† Tuck rolled over and blinked through the hangover fog. The sun was coming up and the roosters were going off all over the island. The room was only half-lit. â€Å"What time is it?† â€Å"It's time to go. Get the plane ready.† Beth Curtis walked out. Tuck rolled out of bed, crawled to the bathroom, and emptied his stomach into the bowl with a trumpeting heave. 40 Unfriendly Skies Tuck spooled up the jets as he watched the guards scramble around the Lear. Each time one walked past the nose, Tuck flipped on the radar and chuckled. The microwave energy wasn't enough to boil the guards in their skins, which was Tuck's fantasy, but he could be reasonably certain that they would never have any children and he might have planted the seeds of a few choice tumors. Once in Houston a maintenance man made the mistake of walking in front of Mary Jean's jet with an armload of fluorescent bulbs meant for the hangar, and Jake Skye had shown Tucker a little trick. â€Å"Watch this, Jake had said.† He flipped on the radar and the bulbs, bombarded by the microwaves from the radar, lit up in the maintenance man's arms. The poor guy threw the bulbs in the air and ran off the field, leaving a pile of glass shards and white powder behind. It was the second-coolest thing Tucker had ever seen, the first being the time they had used the Gulfstream's jets to sandblast the paint off a Porsche whose owner in-sisted on parking on the tarmac. Tuck was waiting for one of the guards to walk behind the jets when Beth Curtis came on board. She wore her business suit and carried the briefcase and the cooler, but this time she sat in one of the passenger seats in the back and fell asleep before they took off. Tuck took the opportunity to suck some oxygen from the emergency supply to help cut through his hangover. When they were five hundred miles out over the Pacific, Tuck peeked into the passenger compartment to make sure Beth Curtis was still sleeping. When he was sure she was still out, he checked the fuel gauges, then pushed the yoke forward and dropped the Lear down to level off at a hundred feet. Traveling at almost six hundred miles per hour at only a hundred feet off the water did exactly what Tuck had hoped it would. He was absolutely ecstatic with an adrenaline rush that chased his hangover back to the Dark Ages. He dropped another fifty feet and laughed out loud when some salt spray dashed the windscreen. It was a clear sunny day with only a few wispy columnar clouds rising off the water. Tuck flew under and through them as if they were enemy ghosts. Then a speck appeared on the horizon. A second later Tuck recog-nized it as a ship and pulled the jet up to two hundred feet. Suddenly something rose off the ship's deck. A helicopter, going out to spot and herd schools of tuna for the factory ship. Tuck pulled up on the yoke, but the helicopter rose directly into his path. There wasn't even time to key the radio to warn the pilot. Tuck threw the Lear into a tight turn while pulling the jet up and whizzed by the helicopter close enough to see the pilot's eyes go wide. He could just make out men shaking fists at him from the deck of the factory ship. â€Å"Eee-haa!† he shouted (a bad habit he'd picked up in Texas cowboy bars, and if this wasn't cowboy flying, what was?). He steered the jet back on course and leveled off at two hundred feet. He was still dangerously low and burning fuel four times faster than he would at altitude, but hell, a guy had to have some fun. He wasn't paying for the fuel, and there hadn't been much low-level flying when he'd worked for Mary Jean. People on the ground might have trouble remembering the numbers on the side of the plane to report to the FAA, but you don't soon forget a pink jet flying close enough to the ground to cool your soup. â€Å"What in the hell was that?† Beth Curtis appeared in the cockpit doorway. â€Å"Why are we so low?† A wave of panic akin to being caught smoking in the boys' room swept over Tuck, but he couldn't think fast enough to come up with a viable lie. He said, â€Å"You haven't surfed until you've surfed in a Learjet.† Much to his amazement, Beth Curtis said, â€Å"Cool!† and strapped herself into the copilot's seat. Tuck grinned and eased the jet down to fifty feet. Beth Curtis clapped her hands like an excited child. â€Å"This is great!† â€Å"We can't do it for long. Burns too much fuel.† â€Å"A little while longer, okay?† Tuck smiled. â€Å"Maybe five more minutes. We can catch a tailwind at altitude that'll save us some time and fuel.† â€Å"Is this what you were doing the night you crashed?† Tuck winced. â€Å"No.† â€Å"Because I could understand if it was. What a rush!† She reached out and grabbed his shoulder affectionately. â€Å"I love this. How could you let me sleep through this?† â€Å"We can surf some more on the way back,† Tuck said. And with that his resolve was gone. He'd planned to ask her about the music and explosions from last night. He'd planned to ask her about Jefferson Pardee's notebook, which he carried in his back pocket, but he didn't want to break this mood. It had been too long since he'd had any attention from a beautiful woman, and he gave himself to it like a jonesing junkie. â€Å"I'm sorry,† she said, â€Å"but you'll have to wait here.† Beth Curtis retrieved her briefcase and cooler from the back of the plane and met the dark-suited Japanese on the tarmac. There was another Lear spooling up nearby and a couple of workmen in coveralls waited beside a large cardboard carton. Tuck watched as Beth Curtis handed the cooler to one of the suits, who ran to the waiting Lear. Within seconds, the door was pulled shut and the other Lear was taxied out to the runway. Another one of the suits handed Beth a thick manila envelope, which she stashed in her briefcase. She turned and ran back into the plane. She stepped into the cockpit and put her briefcase behind the copilot's seat. â€Å"I'll be right back, ten minutes max. I've got to make sure these guys get my TV on board unbroken.† â€Å"TV?† â€Å"Thirty-two-inch Trinitron,† she said with a smile. â€Å"To replace the one that you're using.† â€Å"I want a thirty-two-inch Trinitron,† Tuck said to her back, but she was already out the door. He looked out the window to make sure she was busy with the television, then pulled her briefcase from behind the seat and threw the latches. To his amazement, it was unlocked. He removed the manila envelope. Under it lay a small automatic pistol. He could take it, but then what? Hold it on Beth Curtis until she confessed to whatever she and the doctor were doing? And what was that? Research? There was no law against that. He left the gun untouched and opened the envelope. He wasn't sure what he expected to find: research notes, bearer bonds, stock certificates, cash, something that would shed some light on all this clandestine behavior for sure. What he found was four issues of People magazine and four issues of Us. Beth Curtis was smuggling American cheese out of Japan and that was it. He put the envelope back into the briefcase and slid it behind the seat, then pulled Jefferson Pardee's notebook out of his pocket. Perhaps there was something inside that would tell him how the notebook had gotten to a beach some seven hundred miles from where its owner was supposed to be. He flipped though the pages where Pardee had scribbled phone numbers, dates, and a few notes, but the only things he recognized were his own name, the names of Sebastian Curtis and his wife, and the word â€Å"Learjet,† followed by â€Å"Why? How? Who paid?† and â€Å"Find other pilot.† Pardee was obviously asking the same questions that were circling in Tuck's mind, but what was this about another pilot? Had Pardee come to Alualu looking for the answers? And if he did, where was he now? â€Å"What's that?† Beth Curtis said as she came through the cockpit door. Tuck flipped the notebook shut and stuffed it in his back pocket. â€Å"Some flight notes. I'm used to keeping a log for the FAA. I guess I brought this along out of habit.† In the midst of the lie, he almost panicked. If she asked where he had gotten the notebook in the first place, he was dead. Maybe better to confront her here in Japan anyway – while he knew where the gun was. She said, â€Å"I didn't realize there was any paperwork to flying a plane.† â€Å"More than you'd think,† Tuck said. â€Å"I'm still getting used to how this plane handles. I'm just writing down things I need to remember, you know, climb rates and engine exhaust pressures, fuel consumption per hour at altitude, stuff like that.† Right, he thought. Baffle her with bullshit. â€Å"Oh,† she said with what Tuck thought was indifference until she reached behind her seat and pulled out her briefcase. He held his breath, waiting for the gun to appear. She took out an issue of People and opened it on her lap. She didn't look away from the magazine until they were well over the Pacific, heading home. â€Å"You know, we haven't seen much of you lately. Maybe you should come up to the house and have dinner with Sebastian and me tonight.† She had slipped on her fifties housewife personality. Tuck had been thinking about Pardee's notebook and where he'd found it. He wanted to get back to the village tonight. If Pardee had come to Alualu, maybe the old chief knew something about it. â€Å"I'm a little tired. We got a pretty early start. I think maybe I'll just fix up something quick at my place and get to bed early.† She yawned. â€Å"Maybe tomorrow night. Around seven. Maybe we can try out my new TV.† â€Å"That'll be fine.† Tuck said. â€Å"I have a few things I'd like to discuss with you and the doc anyway.† â€Å"Good,† she said. â€Å"I think we should spend more time together. Now explain to me what all these gauges mean.† 41 What's a Kidney? Privacy is a rare commodity on a small island and secrets weigh heavy on their keepers. Malink was weary with the burden of too many secrets. If he could only go to the drinking circle and let his secrets out, let the coconut telegraph carry his secrets to the edges of the island and let him walk light. But that wasn't going to happen. Secrets sought him out now, even from the old cannibal. He stood with Sarapul and Kimi examining an eighty-four-foot breadfruit tree with a trunk you couldn't get your arms around. Kimi held an ax on his shoulder, waiting for Malink's judgment. â€Å"Why so big?† Malink asked. â€Å"This tree will give much breadfruit.† â€Å"This is the tree,† Sarapul said. â€Å"The navigator has chosen it.† Kimi said, â€Å"We will plant ten trees to take its place, but this is the one.† â€Å"Why do you need such a big tree?† â€Å"I can't tell you,† Sarapul said. â€Å"You will tell me or you won't cut the tree.† â€Å"If I tell you, will you promise not to tell anyone else?† Malink sighed. Yet another secret. â€Å"I will tell no one.† â€Å"Come. We'll show you.† Sarapul led Malink and Kimi through the jungle to an overgrown spot piled with dried palm leaves. Malink leaned on a tree while the old cannibal pulled away the palm fronds to reveal the prow of a canoe. Not just any canoe. A forty-foot-long sailing canoe. Malink hadn't seen one since he was a small boy. â€Å"This is why we need the tree,† Sarapul said. â€Å"I have hidden it here for many years, but the hull is rotten and we need to fix it.† Malink felt something stir in him at the sight of the big eye painted on the prow. Something that went back to a time before he could remember, when his people sailed thousands of miles by the eye of the canoe and the guidance of the great navigators. Lost arts made sad by this reminder. He shook his head. â€Å"No one knows how to build a sailing canoe anymore, Sarapul. You are so old you don't remember what you've forgotten.† â€Å"He can fix it,† Sarapul said, pointing to Kimi. Kimi grinned. â€Å"My father taught me. He was a great navigator from Satawan.† Malink raised a grizzled eyebrow. â€Å"That is where you learned our language?† â€Å"I can fix it. And I can sail it.† â€Å"He's teaching me,† Sarapul said. Malink felt the stirring inside him grow into excitement. There was something here he hadn't felt since the arrival of Vincent. This was a secret that lifted him rather than weighing him down. But he was chief and dignity forbade him from shouting joy to the sky. â€Å"You may cut the tree, but there is a condition.† â€Å"You can't tell anyone,† Sarapul said. â€Å"I will not tell anyone. But when the canoe is fixed, you must teach one of the young ones to be a navigator.† He looked at Kimi. â€Å"Will you do that?† Kimi nodded. â€Å"You have your tree, old man,† Malink said. â€Å"I will tell no one.† He turned and walked and fell into a light bowlegged amble down the path. Kimi called to him, â€Å"I hear my friend, the pilot, was in the village last night.† Malink turned. The coconut telegraph evidently ran even to Sarapul's little corner of the island. â€Å"He asked about you. He said he will come back.† â€Å"Did he have a bat with him?† â€Å"No bat,† Malink said. â€Å"Come tonight to the drinking circle. Maybe he will come.† â€Å"I can't,† Kimi said. â€Å"The boys from the bachelors' house hate me.† â€Å"They hate the girl-man,† Malink said, â€Å"not the navigator. You come.† After a nutritious dinner of canned peaches and instant coffee, Tuck checked the position of the guards, turned out the lights, and built his coconut-headed surrogate under the mosquito netting. Only the second time and already it seemed routine. There was none of the nervousness or anxiety of the night before as he crawled below window level to the bathroom and pried up the metal shower tray. He dropped through the opening and was reaching up to grab his mask and fins when he heard the knock on the front door and froze. He heard the door open and Beth Curtis call, â€Å"Mr. Case, are you asleep already?† He couldn't let her see the dummy in his bed. â€Å"I'm in the bathroom. Just a second.† He caught the edges of the shower opening and vaulted back into the bathroom. The metal tray fell back over the opening, sounding like the Tin Man trying to escape from a garbage can. He heard Beth Curtis pad to the bathroom door. â€Å"Are you all right in there?† â€Å"Fine,† Tuck said. â€Å"Just dropped the soap.† He snagged a bar of soap off the sink and placed it in the bottom of the shower tray, then threw open the bathroom door. Beth Curtis stood there in a long red silk kimono that was open in a narrow canyon of white flesh to her navel. Whatever Tuck was going to say, he forgot. â€Å"Sebastian wanted me to bring you this.† She held out a check. Tuck tore his eyes from her cleavage and took the check. â€Å"Five thousand dollars. Mrs. Curtis, this is really more than I bargained for.† â€Å"You deserve it. You were very sweet to take the time to explain all the instrumentation to me.† She leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, keeping the warm pressure of her lips there a little too long. Tuck imagined her tongue darting though his skull and licking his brain's pleasure center. He could smell her perfume, something deep and musky, and his eyes locked on her breasts, which were completely exposed when she leaned forward. He felt as if he had been staring at an arc welder and that creamy powdered image would travel across his field of vision for hours. A chasm of silence opened up and wrenched his attention back into the room. â€Å"This is very generous,† he said. â€Å"But it could have waited. It's not like I have anywhere to spend it.† â€Å"I know. I just wanted to thank you again. Personally, without Sebastian around. And I thought you might be able to explain some of the finer points of flying a jet. It's all so exciting.† Never a man of strong resolve, the combination of sight, scent, and flattery activated Tuck's seduction autopilot. He glanced toward the bed and the switch clicked off. Sexual response was replaced by the dummy Tuck shaking its coconut head. He looked back at her and locked on her eyes – only her eyes. â€Å"Maybe tomorrow,† he said. â€Å"I'm really bushed. I was just going to catch a shower and go right to bed.† For an instant her pouty smile disappeared and her lips seemed to tighten into a red line, then just as quickly the smile was back, and Tuck wasn't sure he'd seen the change at all. â€Å"Well, tomorrow, then,† she said, pulling the front of her kimono together as if she had only just noticed that it had fallen open. â€Å"We'll see you at seven.† She turned at the door and threw Tuck a parade queen wave as she left, once again the darling of the Eisenhower era. When she was safely out of the bungalow, Tuck ran to the bed and picked up the green coconut. â€Å"What in the hell was that about?† The coconut didn't answer. â€Å"Fine,† Tuck said, fitting the head back on the sleeping dummy. â€Å"I am not impressed. I am not shaken, nor am I stirred. Weirdness is my business.† Even as he said it, he dismissed the hallucination as his own good sense manifesting a warning, but the duel cravings for a drink and a woman yanked at his insides like dull fishhooks. He turned off the light and let the cravings lead him out the bathroom hatch to the moonlit sea. Forty minutes later he took his place in the circle of the Shark men. Chief Malink stood and greeted Tuck with a jarring backslap. â€Å"Good to see you, my friend. How's it hanging?† â€Å"It hangs with magnificent splendor,† Tuck said, his programmed response to the truck drivers and cowboys who used that expression, although he wondered where Malink had heard it. â€Å"But I'm a little parched,† he said. A fat young man named Vincent was pouring tonight and he handed Tucker the coconut cup with a smile. Tuck sipped at first, fighting that first gag, then gulped down the coconut liquor and gritted his teeth to keep it from coming back up. The older men in the group seemed festive and yattered back and forth in their native language, but Tuck noticed that the younger men were sulking, digging their toes into the sand like pouting little boys. â€Å"Why so glum, guys? Someone kill you dog?† â€Å"No,† Malink said, not quite understanding the question. â€Å"We eat a turtle today.† Having your dog killed must mean something different here than it means back in Texas, Tuck realized. Malink sensed Tuck's confusion. â€Å"They are sad because the Sky Priestess has chosen the mispel from their house and she will be gone many days now.† â€Å"Mispel?† â€Å"The girl you followed last night is mispel of the bachelors' house.† â€Å"Sorry to hear that, guys,† Tuck said, acting as if he had the slightest idea what a mispel or being chosen was. He figured that maybe it had something to do with PMS. Maybe when the women started getting cranky with the old Sky Priestess cramps, they just checked her into a special â€Å"chosen† hut until she mellowed out. He waited until the cup came around the circle before he brought it up again. â€Å"So she was chosen by the old Sky Priestess, huh? Tough luck there. Did you try giving her chocolate? That takes the edge off sometimes.† â€Å"We give her special tuba when she comes,† Malink said. â€Å"Tastes like shit!† several of the men chanted. Abo, the fierce one, said, â€Å"I am chosen and now Sepie is chosen. I will marry her.† Several of the other young men seemed less than pleased at Abo's announcement. â€Å"Come on, man,† Tuck said. â€Å"You might need a little attitude adjustment, but you're not chosen.† â€Å"I am,† Abo insisted. â€Å"Look.† He turned his back to the group and ran his finger across a long pink scar that ran diagonally across his ribs. â€Å"The Sky Priestess chose me for Vincent in the time of the ripe breadfruit.† Tuck stared at the scar, stunned, hoping that what he was thinking was as far off as his PMS theory had been. â€Å"The Sky Priestess? That was the music last night, all the noise?† â€Å"Yes,† Malink said, â€Å"Vincent brings her in his airplane. We never see it, but we hear it.† â€Å"And when someone is chosen, then does the jet always fly the next day?† Malink nodded. â€Å"No one was chosen for a long time until Vin cent sent you to fly the white airplane. We thought Vincent was angry with us.† Tuck looked to Abo, who seemed satisfied that the chief was backing him up. â€Å"Where do you go when you are chosen?† â€Å"You go to the white house where the Sorcerer lives. There are many machine.† â€Å"And then what? What happens in the white house?† â€Å"It is secret.† Tuck was across the circle in Abo's face. â€Å"What happens there?† Abo seemed frightened and turned away. Tuck looked around at the other men. â€Å"Who else here has been chosen?† The fat kid who had been pouring twisted so Tuck could see the scar on his back. â€Å"What's your name, kid?† â€Å"Vincent.† â€Å"I should have known. Vincent, what happens in the white house?† Young Vincent shook his head. Tuck turned to Malink. â€Å"What happens?† Malink shook his head. â€Å"I don't know. I have not been chosen.† A familiar voice called out of the dark, â€Å"They make them sleep.† Everyone turned to see Kimi coming down the path from the village. The old cannibal creaked along behind him. Abo barked a reproach to Kimi in his native tongue. Kimi barked back something in the same language. Tuck didn't have to know the language to know that Kimi had told the fierce one to fuck off. â€Å"Kimi, are you okay?† Tuck barely recognized the navigator. He was wearing the blue loincloth of the Shark men and he seemed to have put on some muscle. Tuck was genuinely delighted to see him. The navigator ran to him and threw his arms around the pilot. Tuck found himself returning the embrace. Several of the young men had stood and were glaring at Kimi. One of the jugs of tuba had been kicked over, but no one seemed to notice the liquor running out on the sand. â€Å"Kimi, do you know what's going on here?† â€Å"A pretty white woman with yellow hair. She come out of the fence and take the girl away. They will put her to sleep and when she wakes up she will have a cut here.† He drew his finger across the back of his ribs. â€Å"No!† Abo screamed. He leaped over the crouching Malink to get to Kimi. Without thinking, Tuck swung around and caught Abo under the jaw with a roundhouse punch. Abo's feet flew out from under him and he landed on his back. Tuck rubbed his hand. Abo tried to struggle to his feet and Malink barked an order to two of the young Vincents. Re-luctantly, they restrained their friend. â€Å"Vincent has sent the pilot,† Malink reminded them. Tuck turned back to Kimi. â€Å"What happens then?† â€Å"You owe me five hundred dollars.† â€Å"You'll get it. What happens then?† â€Å"The chosen has to stay in bed for many days. There are tube stuck in them and they are in much pain. Then they come back.† â€Å"That's it?† â€Å"Yes,† Kimi said. Malink stood now and addressed Kimi. â€Å"How do you know this?† Kimi shrugged. â€Å"Sepie tells me.† Malink turned to Abo, who had stopped struggling and now looked terrified. â€Å"She said she would not tell. The girl-man put a spell on her.† Tuck stood rubbing his knuckles, watching this little tropical opera and feeling like someone had snapped on a light and found him french-kissing a maggoty corpse. The cooler, the surgical garb, the flights on short notice, the second jet waiting on the tarmac in Japan, the guards, the secrecy, the money. How had he been so fucking stupid? Malink was hurling a string of native curses at Abo, who looked as if he would burst into tears any second. â€Å"You dumb motherfuckers!† Tuck shouted. Malink stopped talking. â€Å"She's selling your kidneys. The doc is taking out your kidneys and selling them in Japan.† This revelation didn't have quite the effect that Tuck thought it would. In fact, he seemed to be the only one concerned about it at all. â€Å"Did you hear me?† Malink looked a little embarrassed. â€Å"What is a kidney?†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Intertwined Bodies with Separate Hearts Essay

In a world of wild modernity and sophistication, it is almost impossible for man not to connect with a single soul. Be it a friend, a loved one or a lover, these technologies conspire to feed the hunger in all of us and that is the need to be with someone. Others refer to that need as loneliness but the story â€Å"Strangers When We Meet† says its emptiness†¦The relationship of Florence and Rob can be looked at as a typical affair between a married woman who’s bored with her current relationship and a man who seeks adventure. He dazzles her with his youth and passion for life and for a brief moment she’s caught up in a trance of sharing the life that she could have, but chose not to live. That choice rest solely on the truth that her husband was a foundation that offered security. As she said at the end of the story, she equated security and strength to love. She realized in the later part that she was wrong. The fact that Rob is younger than Florence depicts a conventional extramarital affair in our society. However the story goes beyond the cheap pleasures of lust and adventure as it delves deep into the intricacies of emotion and relationship. A relationship can be defined. One can dare as the question â€Å"what kind of relationship? † In the story, Florence and Archie is in a relationship that is recognized by society and back up by the law. A union, a vow, a social contract that’s written on paper and flaunted out to the world. That is marriage. They share a partnership that may seem flawless in society as he was a responsible husband with secure income bounded by law to take care of his wife. Florence herself is a thing of beauty and it is a stereotype in our society that she is to be taken care of by a man who has the means to do so. He is in fact capable of doing just that. He was well aware that he had the woman that most men would fell for, and that’s why though he knew that they had an affair he wanted to see it for himself before he makes judgments. He went with her in the Vacation though he knew that she was to meet her lover. And when he came face to face with the man who stole his wife, he remained composed and even started conversations with him. He exhibited what most men don’t, the decency to be civil to the man who covet their wife (Kureishi). What exist between Florence and Rob on the other hand is a relationship that’s not accepted by society and condemned by law. It ought to be discreetly dealt with to save both parties from public humiliation. The fact that she is a married woman who happens to have a lover may seem offensive to the male supremacy. However, what ought to be looked at is not the act itself but the question on what made her commit such act. Perhaps at the beginning of their affair she simply wants to escape the world that Archie lived in or the lack of attention from her husband who is very much consumed in his work. But at the later part of the story it shows that she is deeply in love with Rob since she is willing to leave everything, even her child if only he says the word. Why did he not say the word? Why did he not take the chance to be with the woman who takes up much space in his heart to the point that he needed a psychologist to deal with his depression? It was a shot at happiness, to have the very thing that he wanted so badly but when it was his for the taking he did not take it. Here lies the complexity of human emotions. Their affair goes beyond the Holiday Vacation. Though the timeline of the story skipped a couple of years before their paths crossed again, it cannot be denied that in each encounter, the dying flame of their affair is fanned once more. A line in the story clearly points out their connection â€Å"Helen (Robs wife) looks across conspicuously. Florence and I are standing close to one another; perhaps one of us touching the other. † Though they were both contented with their lives and stopped seeing each other, both their spouses knew that there is something special between Florence and Rob†¦. perhaps a love story that should have not ended. That Holiday Vacation was of great importance to Florence, Archie and Rob. It was perhaps the climax of their lives. The moment that set the path upon which they will take. They were separate entities brought about in that place to clearly define the relationship that existed in the three of them. It was a chance to change their lives and redefine their connection, but such requires great courage that only Rob had at that time. Florence was, at that moment, scared to let go of the security that she had with Archie. In their marriage she had stability and he had a wife. It was ideal and accepted by society. Before the affair she was contented, but contentment if a far cry from happiness. At the end of the vacation she asked him not to leave, but he chose to do so. This is because man cannot stand the torture of having the woman that you want wrapped in somebody else’s embrace. Rob said that he longed for that vacation since it was the first time that he can have her the entire evening without having her rush home to her husband at dawn. It was a chance to feel that he owned her but that moment never came. It was a chance that she was too scared to take, and now that she wanted him desperately, it was him who chose not to be with her. She wanted him to say that he wants her but he never did just that. Though deep within his soul he knew that she still holds a place in her heart, it was his choice not to give in to that feeling. This proves the fact that in human relationships certain factors are to be taken into considerations before a person makes his decision (Layton-Tholl). Life is made up of choices, and maybe for Rob he already made the choice the moment he left the Hotel. It was to live a life that’s uncomplicated. Though the intensity of their connection cannot be denied, it was by choice that they lived separately. They have fulfilled the human need to connect with someone, they have their spouse. But just like how their affair started, they were just intertwined bodies with separate heart.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

The Moral and Legal Obligations of Breast Implants

The Moral and Legal Obligations of Breast Implants In a world that revolves around impressions, many people that it is very important to look your best at all times. We are constantly seeing images of the perfect body. From Barbie to Baywatch, American women are constantly being shown images of girls with eighteen inch waists, thirty two inch hips and a D cup chest. Feeling as if they need to achieve this image to be attractive, women flock to the exercise gym in large numbers. They spend two hours a day exercising to achieve that tiny waistline that they desire. They are not satisfied with the chest that God gave them so they also want to alter this aspect of their body. In the past, women did chest exercises to enhance their bustline. As they got smarter, they realized that all that they were doing is enlarging the muscle and in fact minimizing their bustline. In todays age of technology, scientist have developed a way to surgically inhance the size of womens bustlines. By surgically inserting silicone bags i! nto the breast, women everywhere had the opportunity to achieve the most desirable bustline. A surgery originally intended for reconstructive purposes, by 1990 eighty percent of all implants were for cosmetic reasons. This dream surgery quickly turned into a nightmare. With reports of leaky and ruptured bags, the number of new surgeries began to drop. Women took it upon themselves to have tests done to see if these ruptured bags were in any way shape or form dangerous to their health. Allegations were made that the implants were responsible for muscle and joint pain, weight loss, and fatigue along with several severe autoimmune disorders. The patients were not happy with the unexpected side effects of his surgery and combined their legal resources and made several class action suits against Dow Chemical, the manufacturer of the silicone implants. Is the manufacturer responsible for...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Essay Example

Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Essay Example Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Paper Three Whys of the Russian Revolution Paper Three â€Å"Whys† of the Russian Revolution Why did Tsarism fall according to Pipes? Firstly, as to answering the question Why did Tsarism fall? , unlike revisionists, Pipes argues that the fall of Tsarism was not preordained, there is no specific explanation or reason by itself to answer this question. Pipes uses the example of an apple tree(pg. 9); â€Å"When you shake an apple tree and apples come cascading down, what â€Å"causes† them to fall? Is it the shaking of the tree? Is it the ripeness of the fruit which would have made them fall down, sooner or later, anyway? In dealing with human events, we find similar levels of explanation, from the most specific to the most general,and it is next to impossible to ascertain which of them determines the outcome. In other words it can state that Tsarism collapsed because it was meant to fall, or because it was falling already, or the actions that made it fall. It starts of by stating how people believed Tsarism would last a long time, and even mention that not even Lenin predicted the fall of Tsardom (pg. 12). One of the strong reasons Pipes disagrees with the historians who believe that the revolution was inevitable. Pipes said one another reason would be, that the intellectuals were the ones who told the government the complains of the people. Therefore when they did it, they would appeal for a change in the governmental system. While the peasants just wanted immediate changes for their own interest. An example that occurred was Bloody Sunday, which not only workers put the intellectuals create a petition, and cause the first Russian Revolution. Another major factor that contributed to the end of the Tsardom was the lack of feudalism, all of the power in the country concentrated mainly in the â€Å"hands† and on the crown of the tzar. Like pipes explains with his philosophical metaphor the Russian state at the time was just like a bunch of wires together and as soon as one of them would split the whole the thing would crumble down and fall apart. That is what happened to Russia. Also because the tsar was an autocrat most of the time didnt have much to say as it shows in (pg. 17) â€Å"the population was a mere object of state authority. One of the strongest factor, according to Pipes, it was especially political issues, Intelligentsia was the strong reason for the all of Tsardom, because they took the advantage from the governments weakness to advance to get what they wanted and have more demands. Concluding some extra example would be that in the Russia village could â€Å"not find enough land to employ all those living in it† and resulted them to be in an â€Å"explosive mood†, because of the problem with lack of land. What is Pipes central thesis? The central thesis is clearly stated on page 8 ; â€Å"my thesis is precisely the opposite to that advanced bu the revisionists, which by now is virtually obligatory in Western universities. I shall argue that there was nothing preordained about either the fall of tsarism or the Bolshevik power, seizure. In fact, I feel that the latter was something of a fluke, but that, once it occurred and the totalitarian machine was in place, then the rise of Stalin became virtually a foregone conclusion. †In other words in a sentence conclusion, the revolution wasnt predictable at all. Where does Pipes fit on the political spectrum? I believe Pipes is a Right wing conservative to a moderate extent. As a reader I have noticed this for two specific reasons. He far from agrees with the thesis stated but the revisionists and the soviet union. Pipes make it look as if the scholars and intellectuals of Russia have been brainwashed to a certain extent where they actually come to believe that bolshevik revolution was a genuine result that forced itself to an accomplishment. He also makes it clear that anti communism is should not be mistaken as something that holds traces of fascism or even the most radical social national. Richard Pipes is definitely not a marxist which gives as more clue for him to be a right wing. Pipes firmly states that it was somehow a matter of chance and fate combined that led the bolsheviks to actually take over that day in october, and he argues that it was one event in particular the night right before that contributed to the final result: communism. He argues that if Lenin wouldnt have faked drunk to get passed the police that actually attempted to stop him probably Tsardom wouldnt have met its demise, but it did. This is exactly the opposite of what brainwashed revisionists believe.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Interesting Facts About the Olympics

Interesting Facts About the Olympics Have you ever wondered about the origins and history of some of our proud Olympic traditions? Below youll find answers to a lot of these inquiries. The Official Olympic Flag Created by Pierre de Coubertin in 1914, the Olympic flag contains five interconnected rings on a white background. The five rings symbolize the five significant continents and are interconnected to symbolize the friendship to be gained from these international competitions. The rings, from left to right, are blue, yellow, black, green, and red. The colors were chosen because at least one of them appeared on the flag of every country in the world. The Olympic flag was first flown during the 1920 Olympic Games. The Olympic Motto In 1921, Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games, borrowed a Latin phrase from his friend, Father Henri Didon, for the Olympic motto: Citius, Altius, Fortius (Swifter, Higher, Stronger). The Olympic Oath Pierre de Coubertin wrote an oath for the athletes to recite at each Olympic Games. During the opening ceremonies, one athlete recites the oath on behalf of all the athletes. The Olympic oath was first taken during the 1920 Olympic Games by Belgian fencer Victor Boin. The Olympic Oath states, In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic Games, respecting and abiding by the rules that govern them, in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams. The Olympic Creed Pierre de Coubertin got the idea for this phrase from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games. The Olympic Creed reads: The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well. The Olympic Flame The Olympic flame is a practice continued from the ancient Olympic Games. In Olympia (Greece), a flame was ignited by the sun and then kept burning until the closing of the Olympic Games. The flame first appeared in the modern Olympics at the 1928 Olympic Games in Amsterdam. The flame itself represents a number of things, including purity and the endeavor for perfection. In 1936, the chairman of the organizing committee for the 1936 Olympic Games, Carl Diem, suggested what is now the modern Olympic Torch Relay. The Olympic flame is lit at the ancient site of Olympia by women wearing ancient-style robes and using a curved mirror and the sun. The Olympic Torch is then passed from runner to runner from the ancient site of Olympia to the Olympic stadium in the hosting city. The flame is then kept alight until the Games have concluded. The Olympic Torch relay represents a continuation from the ancient Olympic Games to the modern Olympics. The Olympic Hymn The Olympic Hymn, played when the Olympic Flag is raised, was composed by Spyros Samaras and the words added by Kostis Palamas. The Olympic Hymn was first played at the 1896 Olympic Games in Athens but wasnt declared the official hymn by the IOC until 1957. Real Gold Medals The last Olympic gold medals that were made entirely out of gold were awarded in 1912. The Medals The Olympic medals  are designed especially for each individual Olympic Games by the host citys organizing committee. Each medal must be at least three millimeters thick and 60 millimeters in diameter. Also, the gold and silver Olympic medals must be made out of 92.5 percent silver, with the gold medal covered in six grams of gold. The First Opening Ceremonies The first opening ceremonies were held during the 1908 Olympic Games in London. Opening Ceremony Procession Order During the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the procession of athletes is always led by the Greek team, followed by all the other teams in alphabetical order (in the language of the hosting country), except for the last team which is always the team of the hosting country. A City, Not a Country When choosing locations for the Olympic Games, the IOC specifically gives the honor of holding the Games to a city rather than a country. IOC Diplomats In order to make the IOC an independent organization, the members of the IOC are not considered diplomats from their countries to the IOC, but rather are diplomats from the IOC to their respective countries. First Modern Champion James B. Connolly (United States), winner of the hop, step, and jump (the first final event in the 1896 Olympics), was the first Olympic champion of the modern Olympic Games. The First Marathon In 490 BCE, Pheidippides, a Greek soldier, ran from Marathon to Athens (about 25 miles) to inform the Athenians the outcome of the battle with invading Persians. The distance was filled with hills and other obstacles; thus Pheidippides arrived in Athens exhausted and with bleeding feet. After telling the townspeople of the Greeks success in the battle, Pheidippides fell to the ground dead. In 1896, at the first modern Olympic Games, held a race of approximately the same length in commemoration of Pheidippides. The Exact Length of a MarathonDuring the first several modern Olympics, the marathon was always an approximate distance. In 1908, the British royal family requested that the marathon start at the Windsor Castle so that the royal children could witness its start. The distance from the Windsor Castle to the Olympic Stadium was 42,195 meters (or 26 miles and 385 yards). In 1924, this distance became the standardized length of a marathon. WomenWomen were first allowed to participate in 1900 at the second modern Olympic Games. Winter Games BegunThe winter Olympic Games were first held in 1924, beginning a tradition of holding them a few months earlier and in a different city than the summer Olympic Games. Beginning in 1994, the winter Olympic Games were held in completely different years (two years apart) than the summer Games. Cancelled GamesBecause of World War I and World War II, there were no Olympic Games in 1916, 1940, or 1944. Tennis BannedTennis was played at the Olympics until 1924, then reinstituted in 1988. Walt DisneyIn 1960, the Winter Olympic Games were held in Squaw Valley, California (United States). In order to bedazzle and impress the spectators, Walt Disney was head of the committee that organized the opening day ceremonies. The 1960 Winter Games Opening Ceremony was filled with high school choirs and bands, releasing of thousands of balloons, fireworks, ice statues, releasing of 2,000 white doves, and national flags dropped by parachute. Russia Not PresentThough Russia had sent a few athletes to compete in the 1908 and 1912 Olympic Games, they did not compete again until the 1952 Games. Motor BoatingMotor boating was an official sport at the 1908 Olympics. Polo, an Olympic SportPolo was played at the Olympics in 1900, 1908, 1920, 1924, and 1936. GymnasiumThe word gymnasium comes from the Greek root gymnos meaning nude; the literal meaning of gymnasium is school for naked exercise. Athletes in the ancient Olympic Games would participate in the nude. StadiumThe first recorded ancient Olympic Games were held in 776 BCE with only one event - the stade. The stade was a unit of measurement (about 600 feet) that also became the name of the footrace because it was the distance run. Since the track for the stade (race) was a stade (length), the location of the race became the stadium. Counting OlympiadsAn Olympiad is a period of four successive years. The Olympic Games celebrate each Olympiad. For the modern Olympic Games, the first Olympiad celebration was in 1896. Every four years celebrates another Olympiad; thus, even the Games that were cancelled (1916, 1940, and 1944) count as Olympiads. The 2004 Olympic Games in Athens was called the Games of the XXVIII Olympiad.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Career Opportunities for Future Professional Marketing Experts Essay - 163

Career Opportunities for Future Professional Marketing Experts - Essay Example It is important to identify the target market to identify the needs of the customer and meet the needs effectively. Hence, the knowledge learned in marketing will provide an important insight into my position at the oil company that will enable my career in the oil company to progress. In my position, I will involve various marketing strategies such as the provision of quality products to customers. The oil company provides a range of products such as oil and gas. Therefore as a marketer, the credibility of the products offered should be effective to the consumers of the product. In Saudi Arabia, there are different oil companies and therefore in order to gain market advantage in that region, the oil company should provide a wide range of quality products to its consumers. Hence, the market strategies that I will employ in my position within the Saudi Arabian oil company will be important in attaining the goals and objectives of the oil company. At the same time, these strategies will be essential in my career progression and application of the knowledge learned in marketing will provide important insight in my position at the oil company that will enable my career in the oil company to progress.  

Explore the similarities and differences of Chinese and Indian Essay

Explore the similarities and differences of Chinese and Indian management styles - Essay Example Evidence show that crosses cultural management theory helps the managers to be prepared against managerial crisis. It also helps them in choosing the most perfect managerial technique from a variety of techniques, which helps in support business activity (Yau, 2007). The most suitable focus would be to understand the importance of the multiple culture and their utilities for the changes required in the business practice. Cross cultural management theory would require the appreciation of changes and would lead to repositioning of the organization and alteration of the organizations traditional Human Resource Management practices and perspectives (Pang, Roberts and Sutton, 2006). The study will deal with the perspective of cross cultural management and its relevance. The author of the study will give an insight into the increased complexity of the present changing marketing environment and the relevance of the cross cultural management theory in aid for various managerial problems. ... This theory helps the competent managers to recognize and understand the positive and negative impact of the management development theories in assessing the cultural requirements. It also helps the managers in solving the complex business problems and improvement of the existing managerial procedures. Several authors had contributed a considerable time on developing theories about quality management techniques, which improve the transparency between the management and the customer for deriving various contrasting solutions. Globalization and internationalization has introduced several changes in the team composition, dynamics and the workplace (Ward, Entrkin and Pearson, 2002). Several interdepartmental business units of different business sizes are regarded extremely important business source for integration of a singular economy. The organizations which are considered important as domestic business units are lagging behind international business organizations and the major reason behind it is the non understanding of the cross cultural management theory. The impact of diversified work culture on team productivity can be satisfying and rewarding when the organizational climate is positive and congenial (Colson, 2013). Culture is an integral part, which acts as an external source of deep influence and also helps in improving the employee behaviour (Wes, Desai and Burt, 2000). The profound impact of the cross cultural management theories on the business activities help in coping with the certainty and uncertainty collectively. These theories have an impact equally on the individual based strategies developed by the employees

Friday, October 18, 2019

Understanding Various Dimensions of War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Understanding Various Dimensions of War - Essay Example Leaders who create tough realistic training conditions and ensure psychological protection, continue to fulfill the challenges of a key leader. Moreover, the responsibility also encircles maintaining unit cohesion and demonstrating the quality of humanness (Moseley, 2007). Furthermore, it is important for leaders to ensure appropriate grief counseling and grief work during tough times, as well as to ensure that leaders observe and identify critical warning signs of Soldiers who are in distress. Not to forget how important is communication, since it makes meaning of the risks and sacrifices which are made by the Soldiers while achieving the unit’s missions and objectives. It is important for leaders to realize and embrace the understanding of the moral, ethical and psychological dimensions of war. The training of applied ethics fosters the development of a unique combination of values, principles, knowledge, skills and abilities critical for decision making and effective leadership combat (Moseley, 2007). This training is mostly done through self-study. The critical factors that include everything that is done in war involve the moral, ethical and psychological dimensions of war. An even broader dimension of the psychological aspects of war lies beyond psychological health and psychological fitness, which transcends every performance of the leaders. Within the psychological characteristics of motivation are woven character, presence and intellect along with leads, develops and archives, in a leader. It is because of these psychological factors that become the X-factor under pressure and stress, and therefore this may become the determinant for either success or failure either individually or as a unit (Moseley, 2007). A key ingredient of bravery, valor and warrior ethos can be categorized as psychological fitness.

Addictive Behaviours Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Addictive Behaviours - Research Paper Example To better understand what can be done and what the genetic component to addiction means, we first have to analyse the concept of addiction and then examine how the genetic model compares with several other models which explain addictive behaviour as well as the reality that we have in treating and handling addiction as it dealt by with the courts of law and a morally guided culture. The Concept of Addiction As discussed by Peele et. al. (1998) the basic concept of addiction can be understood as the visible, quantifiable, and often pathological activity of an individual that displays its inability to leave a habit which creates a desire for a physical substance or the engaging in a particular act. This concept was further developed by Compton (2001) who adds that the addictive behaviour may be due to a mental or a physical dependence which is based on a person’s habit. This is certainly an improvement over the common understanding of addiction in which a person is said to be addicted if s/he continues to use a substance despite causing harm to his/her person. When a person is at such a state, the addictive behaviour exhibited by the individual can increase with time. This increase can be represented in several ways which include an increase in the amount or the frequency of using the addictive substance or exhibiting the addictive behaviour.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Waiting For Guffman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Waiting For Guffman - Essay Example (McCormick, 2011). The comedy in Guffman is the cut-above diversity, based on associations and underlined by the hopes of the characters. Corky St. Claire is played by Corky, an immigrant from Broadway who has discovered a place for exceptional abilities as the de facto ruler of Theater in Blaine. The town dentist is played by Levy who for the very first time is trying out. Perky is played by Parker Posey, emotional and maybe useless ingà ©nue who labors at the Dairy Queen. Catherine OHara and Fred Willard show the saying that corresponding sweat suits deceive a discontented marriage. Llyod Miller is played by Bob Balaban, the music administrator who is grounded in realism, although his idea that the cast may use some of the preparation time basically practicing the dances and songs is met with antagonism (Waffle, 2002). Essentials to the movie are Corky St. Clair’s conventional gay mannerisms. He allegedly has a wife named Bonnie, whom nobody in Blaine has ever noticed or met. When Johnny Savage is enforced by his doubtful father Brian Doyle-Murray to leave the show, his roles is taken over by Corky, which were evidently planned for an actor who is young and masculine: a forceful young frontiersman, a despairing soldier, and a small boy with a beanie and shorts. At the performance of the show, the seat of Guffman is perceived to be unoccupied, much to the disappointment of the cast; Corky guarantee them that the producers of Broadway constantly appear behind schedule for the performance, and certain enough a man almost immediately occupies the seat reserved for Guffman. The audience receives the show very well, and St. Clair requests the unspecified Guffman behind the scenes to speak to the actors. Upon his arrival, he states that he is not Guffman, and his visit to Blaine was to see the del ivery of his niece’s baby but

Acetic acid from methanol Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Acetic acid from methanol - Essay Example This piece of art also showed me how hard work pays as the person swinging is enjoying herself due to the luxury presented by the surrounding. Personally, I can suggest that social values have a greater echo than political issues as presented by this art. First, the art portrays how the world should appear in terms of neatness and how things should be arranged in the modern world or society. It also shows the class differences without requiring much explanation as it is easy to interpret. â€Å"This is the most recent piece of art which was created in 2011 to tie in with the screening of the film ‘The Exit to the Gift Shop’† (Kok 19). The scene where the art was created is some distance away from where community members reside. They were trying to raise some money by converting the parking lot into a modern park with a good playground. It is one of the strongest examples of my artistic work that has been nicely decorated to capture almost all aspects of the modern artistic work. This is because of the color used, outward appearance and the shape of the art. Its outward image also gives more than one representation of what the artist was trying to explain unlike his first artistic work that showed only one meaning. The girl swinging and the writings on the wall are features that qualify this piece of art to have more than one meaning explained in the same piece of art. It is worth noting that the space used is small but the meaning is broad and can easily be understood from the first impression by viewing the image. At first as I observed the image, it gave me a different meaning after which it changed completely when I observed it critically. It influenced my way of thinking to give both the inner and outward meaning to any artistic work before drawing a conclusion. This work is therefore modern as compared to other works by other artists. The given work illustrates some technical background skills where the artists was able to balance all his elements.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Waiting For Guffman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Waiting For Guffman - Essay Example (McCormick, 2011). The comedy in Guffman is the cut-above diversity, based on associations and underlined by the hopes of the characters. Corky St. Claire is played by Corky, an immigrant from Broadway who has discovered a place for exceptional abilities as the de facto ruler of Theater in Blaine. The town dentist is played by Levy who for the very first time is trying out. Perky is played by Parker Posey, emotional and maybe useless ingà ©nue who labors at the Dairy Queen. Catherine OHara and Fred Willard show the saying that corresponding sweat suits deceive a discontented marriage. Llyod Miller is played by Bob Balaban, the music administrator who is grounded in realism, although his idea that the cast may use some of the preparation time basically practicing the dances and songs is met with antagonism (Waffle, 2002). Essentials to the movie are Corky St. Clair’s conventional gay mannerisms. He allegedly has a wife named Bonnie, whom nobody in Blaine has ever noticed or met. When Johnny Savage is enforced by his doubtful father Brian Doyle-Murray to leave the show, his roles is taken over by Corky, which were evidently planned for an actor who is young and masculine: a forceful young frontiersman, a despairing soldier, and a small boy with a beanie and shorts. At the performance of the show, the seat of Guffman is perceived to be unoccupied, much to the disappointment of the cast; Corky guarantee them that the producers of Broadway constantly appear behind schedule for the performance, and certain enough a man almost immediately occupies the seat reserved for Guffman. The audience receives the show very well, and St. Clair requests the unspecified Guffman behind the scenes to speak to the actors. Upon his arrival, he states that he is not Guffman, and his visit to Blaine was to see the del ivery of his niece’s baby but

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Interviewing Excercises Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Interviewing Excercises - Essay Example The report further points to mounting debts whose growth rate has exceeded concurrent growth rates in revenue, total financial resources and enrolment, and where the debt per student exceeded financial resources per student. The report further predict continued financial difficulties for the public colleges but expects the public universities to raise tuition and fees so as to bridge the revenue gaps occasioned by cuts in state support, weakened endowments and higher expenses generated by growing enrolment. However, the reports indicate that the public colleges have remained liquid and able to meet their current liability on short notice, but the private universities had a stronger liquidity than similarly rated public universities. Exercise 3. 1. Mary said to Tom, â€Å"put the book down and pay for my coffee.† 2. Tom replied, â€Å"Absolutely no. Pay for yourself.† 3. â€Å"The computer has revolutionized education,† stated John Thompson. 4. â€Å"I spilled co ffee all over my keyboard,† Taylor cried. 5. ... Mr. Allen, who is tall and muscular, dropped out of high school to join the military at the age of 18 years. After joining military, he deployed to Okinawa for two week training and thereafter deployed to Vietnam at the height of the war. He admits having killed many Vietnamese soldiers and watching others die, in the 13 months that he spent in the Vietnamese jungle. He is now a vocal proponent of peace in the world and a prominent critic of waging war. His advice to the students is to â€Å"understand the importance of creating a world of peace and nonviolence†. He laments the military’s use of an aggressive approach, to recruit young men and women. â€Å"Nowadays we have allowed the military to go into our junior high schools and or high schools, and they have programs, ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Corps) programs for the young high school and junior high school students,† He says, â€Å"When I was a child that did not happen; you had to go to the recruiter ’s office†. He categorically stated that such aggressive recruiting do not offer the young high school kids a chance to look at what their options in life are. â€Å"Military presence in our schools has convinced many children that the military is a good thing†. He asserts that military training changes the mind of the young recruits. Marine Corps, he says, trained to kill. The first thing that the trainers do is to remove â€Å"your civilian life from you† by getting rid of one’s civilian way of thinking. â€Å"In the military there’s no thinking. You are trained to follow orders. You do not ask any questions.† he says. He opines that it is easier to do this to young high school kids who have no idea of what they want to do with

Monday, October 14, 2019

Demographic economics Essay Example for Free

Demographic economics Essay Overpopulation is an issue which is constantly being debated upon, as the very aspect of humanity is at stake here. Paul R Ehrlich, Anne H Ehrlich, Frank Furedi and Vanessa Baird bring each of their unique perspectives to the table. Ehrlich and Ehrlich, in the abstract from â€Å"The Population Bomb Revisited†, believe that overpopulation is a problem that needs to be constantly addressed for humanity to survive in the long run. On the other hand, Furedi shares his views, in the article â€Å"Really Bad Ideas: Population Control†, about how he thinks the people that perceive overpopulation as a hindrance are the real problem here rather than overpopulation itself. Baird, from â€Å"Population Panic†, takes a neutral stand on overpopulation among the 3 authors. She does approach overpopulation with caution and yet is optimistic that the issue of overpopulation will get taken care on its own the way things are flowing. Ehrlich and Ehrlich believe that the natural resources humans have available to them are limited and overpopulation will only hasten the exploitation of these resources (65). Ehrlich and Ehrlich also warn that â€Å"it is an error to consider increases in human numbers as automatically expanding real wealth† as it can be seen in the case of China and India (64).Other problems due to overpopulation would be depletion of ozone layer due to exploitation of chlorofluorocarbons and increase in carbon dioxide emissions(66). Ehrlich and Ehrlich also believe that overpopulation will eventually lead to a resource war among ourselves as â€Å"the capacity of Earth to produce food and support people is finite† (68). The only way that we can escape without having to deal with the death rate solution would be to â€Å"entrain a general population decline toward an optimal number† (68). Ehrlich and Ehrlich believe that humans will have to lower fertility rates much further if they want to survive with adequate resources (68). Low fertility rates also lead to an ageing which is ideal as it is one that can easily controlled and managed (65). Furedi detests the very idea of population control. 1) Furedi points out that we are being hypocrites by spending a lot on healthcare and trying to make sure that people can live as long as possible but also blaming ourselves as a source of the world’s problems and trying to minimize the population by carrying out birth control measures.(1) Furedi believes it is the Malthusians, such as Ehrlich and Ehrlich, that are the real problem as they promote inhuman practices such as birth control to be given such great lengths of attention.(1) Furedi discredits Ehrlich and Ehrlich ’ global warming concerns by stating that without human species, the issue would resolve by itself (2)and so the â€Å"obsession with natural limits distracts society from the far more creative search for solutions to hunger or poverty or lack of resources†(5). He also claims that Malthusians strongly lower people’s confidence in fighting future problems(5) by giving people immoral solutions such as stopping to reproduce altogether. Malthusians also enforce the use of contraception for women in poor countries by disguising the whole thing and calling it counseling about family planning which is mandatory for everyone to attend(3). Furedi wants people to start believing in themselves again and begin having faith in humanity as a whole. Furedi believes that people will never reach the â€Å"death rate solution† mentioned by Ehrlich and Ehrlich if they do not sacrifice humanity. According to Furedi, overpopulation should never have been given this much attention and spotlight in the first place. Vanessa Baird seems to recognize that there are both positive aspects and negative aspects of trying to deal with overpopulation. She approaches this topic with caution as there are estimated to be about nine billion people by the year 2050(5). Baird is still optimistic in the sense that she believes that humans are well on their way to stabilizing the populations, â€Å"Fertility rates around the world are falling. If this trend continues, it will help stabilize global population size.† (Baird,5).Baird agrees with Fureti to a certain extent about people starting to blame overpopulation for all their problems, such as child abuse, murder and increase in carbon emissions and people implement more birth control measures instead of finding other solutions to these problems. Unlike Fureti, Baird does not seem to question the moral aspect of dealing with overpopulation. Baird also does agree with Ehrlich and Ehrlich also to some extent about implementing birth control measures as she believes that there are other benefits of lower fertility rather than just population control, such as more education since there is more money available per child when resources are not stretched as much anymore(7). Finally, unlike Ehrlich and Ehrlich, Baird believes that ageing population is not such a great thing as many problems do come with it (8).Paul R Ehrlich, Anne H Ehrlich, Frank Furedi, Vanessa Baird each had their own thoughts and views on overpopulation. Vanessa Baird saw the advantages and disadvantages of tackling this overpopulation. For Frank Furedi, this was never an issue to begin with. Ehrlich and Ehrlich want more emphasis to be given on dealing with the problem of overpopulation . Work Cited Frank Furedi â€Å"Really Bad Ideas: Population Control† spiked, 18 June 2007 Paul R Ehrlich, Anne H Ehrlich â€Å"The Population Bomb Revisited.† The Electronic Journal of Sustainable Development 2009, p.64-70 Vanessa Baird â€Å"Population Panic† New Internationalist, January/February 2010

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Why do people start their own business

Why do people start their own  business There are many reasons why people want to start their own business(es). The most obviously reason is about making money, which is translated into making a better life for himself/herself and also the family. However, studies have shown that some people start their own businesses for other reasons as well. Some do it for the time that they will have to share with those closest to them. If one is an employee, his time is controlled and dictated by this job. There are times when his child is sick, or he needs to send his wife for a medical checkup. Unless he takes a day off, and provided that his boss approves his day off, he is stuck. However, having ones own business, he is also the boss. So, who is the boss to say he cannot take 2 hours off to run a family errand. People like to be recognized for their achievements. But by whos standard? In an organization (it is even worse when the organization is big), many employees achievements are overlooked and made to look like as if they are something employees were paid to do anywhere. However, when   a mistake is done, the repercussions are big. Have you heard the saying that Being an employee is a thankless job. When you do right, your boss does not see. When you do wrong, the entire organization talks about it. With businesses, there are opportunities to grow, to broaden the mind, to meet more people. Do you know why so many people meet and marry their spouses from the organization? That is because they never get to meet anybody else outside the organization. At times, these may not be the best match, but there is very limited choice. Employees circles of friends seemed to be limited people at work and maybe people from church. After a while, the circles may even shrink. Why? Well, people move on, especially those who have started owning their own business. Now, I do believe that it is a basic human desire to be able to help others, whether financially or otherwise. That is why those in need of financial assistance will always make a plea via the   public media as the donations just keeps pouring in. Have you ever felt frustrated that you are not able to chip in more because your own finances are not much better, perhaps. That is why many people have started their business based on this purpose and desire to help others. Free Brian Tracy Video There are perhaps a lot of other reasons why people want to start their own businesses. Wanting to start is a common desire but knowing how to do it is a whole new ball game. Then comes the obstacles of starting a business so of which are:- No Time No Money No Network No Product And the list goes on. Yeah, there are many businesses out there where it does take a lot of time to start, heavy financial investments, no special unique products which are not already sold in the market and nobody to sell it to. Would you be interested if there was a business out there where you choose the amount of time you want to put into the business, very little money down, excellent products and a mentor who will guide you to building the network that you want and need for your business? If you are, then this is just the business for you. This is the perfect business to start you on your dream of owning your own business. Give yourself this one chance.. go and have a look at this opportunity. Why Do People Start their own  Business Q1.2: The Seven Pitfalls of Business Failure Summary: When youre starting a new business, the last thing you want to focus on is failure. But if you address the common reasons for failure up front, youll be much less likely to fall victim to them yourself. Here are the top 7 reasons why businesses fail and tips for avoiding them. The latest statistics from the Small Business Administration (SBA) show that two-thirds of new employer establishments survive at lease two years, and 44 percent survive at least four years. This is a far cry from the previous long-held belief that 50 percent of businesses fail in the first year and 95 percent fail within five years. Brian Head, Economist with the SBA Office of Advocacy, noted that the latest statistics are a much more accurate assessment of new business success rates, and that as a general rule of thumb, new employer businesses have a 50/50 chance of surviving for five years or more. Better success rates notwithstanding, a significant percentage of new businesses do fail. Expert opinions abound about what a business owner should and shouldnt do to keep a new business afloat in the perilous waters of the entrepreneurial sea. There are, however, key factors that if not avoided will be certain to weigh down a business and possibly sink it forevermore. 1. You start your business for the wrong reasons. Would the sole reason you would be starting your own business be that you would want to make a lot of money? Do you think that if you had your own business that youd have more time with your family? Or maybe that you wouldnt have to answer to anyone else? If so, youd better think again. On the other hand, if you start your business for these reasons, youll have a better chance at entrepreneurial success You have a passion and love for what youll be doing, and strongly believe based on educated study and investigation that your product or service would fulfill a real need in the marketplace. You are physically fit and possess the needed mental stamina to withstand potential challenges. Often overlooked, less-than-robust health has been responsible for more than a few bankruptcies. You have drive, determination, patience and a positive attitude. When others throw in the towel, you are more determined than ever. Failures dont defeat you. You learn from your mistakes, and use these lessons to succeed the next time around. Head, SBA economist, noted that studies of successful business owners showed they attributed much of their success to building on earlier failures; on using failures as a learning process. You thrive on independence, and are skilled at taking charge when a creative or intelligent solution is needed. This is especially important when under strict time constraints. You like if not love your fellow man, and show this in your honesty, integrity, and interactions with others. You get along with and can deal with all different types of individuals. 2. Poor Management Many a report on business failures cites poor management as the number one reason for failure. New business owners frequently lack relevant business and management expertise in areas such as finance, purchasing, selling, production, and hiring and managing employees. Unless they recognize what they dont do well, and seek help, business owners may soon face disaster. They must also be educated and alert to fraud, and put into place measures to avoid it. Neglect of a business can also be its downfall. Care must be taken to regularly study, organize, plan and control all activities of its operations. This includes the continuing study of market research and customer data, an area which may be more prone to disregard once a business has been established. A successful manager is also a good leader who creates a work climate that encourages productivity. He or she has a skill at hiring competent people, training them and is able to delegate. A good leader is also skilled at strategic thinking, able to make a vision a reality, and able to confront change, make transitions, and envision new possibilities for the future. 3. Insufficient Capital A common fatal mistake for many failed businesses is having insufficient operating funds. Business owners underestimate how much money is needed and they are forced to close before they even have had a fair chance to succeed. They also may have an unrealistic expectation of incoming revenues from sales. It is imperative to ascertain how much money your business will require; not only the costs of starting, but the costs of staying in business. It is important to take into consideration that many businesses take a year or two to get going. This means you will need enough funds to cover all costs until sales can eventually pay for these costs. 4. Location, Location, Location Your college professor was right location is critical to the success of your business. Whereas a good location may enable a struggling business to ultimately survive and thrive, a bad location could spell disaster to even the best-managed enterprise. Some factors to consider: Where your customers are Traffic, accessibility, parking and lighting Location of competitors Condition and safety of building Local incentive programs for business start-ups in specific targeted areas The history, community flavor and receptiveness to a new business at a prospective site 5. Lack of Planning Anyone who has ever been in charge of a successful major event knows that were it not for their careful, methodical, strategic planning and hard work success would not have followed. The same could be said of most business successes. It is critical for all businesses to have a business plan. Many small businesses fail because of fundamental shortcomings in their business planning. It must be realistic and based on accurate, current information and educated projections for the future. Components may include: Description of the business, vision, goals, and keys to success Work force needs Potential problems and solutions Financial: capital equipment and supply list, balance sheet, income statement and cash flow analysis, sales and expense forecast Analysis of competition Marketing, advertising and promotional activities Budgeting and managing company growth In addition, most bankers request a business plan if you are seeking to secure addition capital for your company. 6. Overexpansion A leading cause of business failure, overexpansion often happens when business owners confuse success with how fast they can expand their business. A focus on slow and steady growth is optimum. Many a bankruptcy has been caused by rapidly expanding companies. At the same time, you do not want to repress growth. Once you have an established solid customer base and a good cash flow, let your success help you set the right measured pace. Some indications that an expansion may be warranted include the inability to fill customer needs in a timely basis, and employees having difficulty keeping up with production demands. If expansion is warranted after careful review, research and analysis, identify what and who you need to add in order for your business to grow. Then with the right systems and people in place, you can focus on the growth of your business, not on doing everything in it yourself. 7. No Website Simply put, if you have a business today, you need a website. Period. In the U.S. alone, the number of internet users (about 70 percent of the population) and e-commerce sales (about 70 billion in 2004, according to the Census Bureau) continue to rise and are expected to increase with each passing year. In 2004, the U.S. led the world in internet usage. At the very least, every business should have a professional looking and well-designed website that enables users to easily find out about their business and how to avail themselves of their products and services. Later, additional ways to generate revenue on the website can be added; i.e., selling ad space, drop-shipping products, or recommending affiliate products. Remember, if you dont have a website, youll most likely be losing business to those that do. And make sure that website makes your business look good, not bad you want to increase revenues, not decrease them. When it comes to the success of any new business, you the business owner are ultimately the secret to your success. For many successful business owners, failure was never an option. Armed with drive, determination, and a positive mindset, these individuals view any setback as only an opportunity to learn and grow. Most self-made millionaires possess average intelligence. What sets them apart is their openness to new knowledge and their willingness to learn whatever it takes to succeed. Q1.3: Important Factors in Setting Up a Business Setting up a new business takes imagination, research, analytical skill, time and money. Whether you buy an existing business or start a new one from scratch, the steps you take must have a structure that, formed comprehensively and executed cleanly and efficiently, give you the best likelihood of succeeding. You should create a feasibility study and business plan that you can present to advisers and funding sources, whether theyre loan officers or potential investors, that offers dispassionate analysis and displays your enthusiasm for the project. Imagination Maybe you have an idea for a new business, or there may be an interesting business for sale in your area. Either way, its critical that you see the potential and risks to help inform your decisions as you move forward. Your community may lack a certain retail or service business, or there may be a business for sale that you believe you could sustain and improve. You might have ideas that would lead you to build a business that competes with a similar one, believing you can provide higher quality products, more variety or better and/or faster service. If you a need for a business and believe it could work, its just a matter of finding a client base to satisfy. Research A feasibility study reveals, in statistical data, the size of your potential customer or client base. State governments put great volumes of demographic data on their economic development websites, so you can gather counts of individuals, numbers of households, age brackets, education and income levels and other demographic informationall identifiable by zip code, county and community. If your idea involves school children, you can find data relative to student enrollments by age, gender and school district, for public, private, parochial and home-schooled children. Specific state agencies have data on preschool children, children in foster care and those who are otherwise wards of the state, as well as all manner of data on seniors and incarcerated individuals. Analytical Skill Once youve gathered sufficient data about your potential trade area, you should estimate how many people and geographies dont fit your model. For example, your bicycle shop might find many more customers in a community in the central plains states, where the topography is relatively flat, than in downtown San Francisco, which is full of very steep hills. In addition, some communities advertise themselves as being bicycle-friendly. Your demographic data might suggest that opening a day care business in a predominantly retirement-aged community is a bad idea because there are not enough children to support your operating expenses. Use conservative estimates to determine your potential market and market share. Loan officers and potential investors want certainty that you havent padded the numbers to increase revenue projections, so be prepared to defend your numbers. Business Plan Write a comprehensive business plan that includes sections on management (your experience and fitness for the specific effort you propose), operations (how youll actually conduct the business), marketing (how youll reach your target audience) and key advisers and staff (where will you get the human capital to ensure success). Your plan should also include data from the feasibility study that supports your estimates of market share and the time line to profitability. Again, use conservative estimates of revenues and liberal estimates of expenses. Funding sources will want confidence that youve thought things through carefully and thoroughly. Time Frame You may have the luxury to work full-time on your project, but if you have a day job that requires your attention then youll have to set aside evening and weekend hours to set up your business. Getting permits, licenses, FDA approval and patents take time. You might get a building permit or a business license in a few days, but FDA approval for a food or cosmetic product can take years. Patent research in the hands of a dedicated patent attorney takes time and can be expensiveas much as $30,000 or more. The same holds true if youre renovating a property and your new effort requires an architects stamp, which might cost 10 percent of the construction cost. Simply put, plan on having your project take more time than you originally thought. Funding Sources You may start your business with your own funds, then get support from friends and family. The next layer of funding can be a bank or Small Business Administration loan. SBA funding typically tops out at $150,000. Beyond that there are angel investors, who are individuals of means who take financial risks with entrepreneurs in return for an expected high return on their investment (ROI). If your project requires large sums of investment money, you may be able to find venture capital called professional money with a solid, conservative business plan. Venture capital money requires a very high ROI, though, because of the great risk of failure among start-up businesses. Tax increment financing (TIF) funds help entrepreneurs rehabilitate distressed properties in certain communities. While TIF funds are set up as loans, some, most or all of the funding can be forgiven if the entrepreneur and the new business satisfy certain requirements, such as creating a certain number of jobs. Other Considerations and Resources Along the way, youll probably need the advice and counsel of an accountant, attorney, contractor or architect. The SBA has offices in most major cities and a number of medium-sized ones as well. Become familiar with the National Business Incubator Association (NBIA). Incubators provide physical space and certain amenitiesperhaps phone, fax, copy and Internet serviceat no or minimal cost. They can provide access to consulting, accounting, legal and other resources, again at zero or minimal cost. They may charge a modest rent or take an equity position in your new company. In some cases the incubator may take a royalty or share in your licensing revenues. Learn about the Kauffman Foundation, a comprehensive resource for entrepreneurs. Q1.4: 5 Resources You Need To Succeed To Start A Business Anyone can start a business. But to start a business that succeeds and continues to flourish isnt so easy. According to Statistics Canada, at least half the new companies in Canada go out of business before their third anniversary, and one in four new enterprises dont survive longer than one year. If youre going to start a business that has staying power, there are five resources that you must have in place before you open your literal or figurative doors. To turn a start up venture into a successful business, you must: Fully Commit Successful entrepreneurs are people who are fully committed to their business ventures. You have to be prepared to put your heart and soul into what youre doing. You have to truly believe in your product or service, and be prepared to work long hours to get others to believe in your product or service, too. You have to be ready to go without treats such as holidays, and even necessities such as salary, for what may seem like an endless stretch of time. And you have to do all this without the safety net that salaried employees are used to, such as benefits and pension plans. Be a Type D People commit themselves to all kinds of things; causes, hobbies, other people. Just being able to make a commitment doesnt automatically lead to business success. If youre going to get where you want to go in business, and start a business that will endure, you also have to be what I call a Type D person; someone who has desire coupled with drive, with strong discipline and determination. You have to not only have the business ideas, but be able to execute them. Successful business people are tenacious; obstacles are temporary barriers to work around. They may take No for an answer, but only for as long as it takes them to reframe the question from another angle and ask again. But desire and drive alone are not enough to start a business; you dont want your business to be a temporary comet streaking across the sky. Discipline and determination are what give successful business people the endurance to follow through on their business ideas, and weather the storms and calms of the economic climate. Knowledge is another resource you need to have in place before you start a business. Continue on to the next page to learn what types of knowledge and skills you must have if you want to start a business with staying power. Get The Business Knowledge You Need Many people have tried to start their own businesses without bothering to acquire the business knowledge they need to make their business a success and their businesses have failed. To start a business, you have to be knowledgeable about many different aspects of business and have many different skillsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ or at least have done the research to find and hire the people who have the skills you lack. If you arent knowledgeable enough about accounting to keep your own books, for instance, youre going to need to hire a bookkeeper and/or an accountant. If your business is Internet-based, youd be wise to hire a company to design your web site and handle the back end, unless you personally are an expert in site development. When youre creating your business plan, one of your first steps needs to be a frank assessment of your skills and expertise. What aspects of the business are you qualified or willing to handle, and which aspects will necessitate either more learning on your part or calling in outside help? Managing people is only one skill set youre going to need to start a business thats going to be successful. You also need to be knowledgeable about sales and marketing.  For example, suppose youve developed a better mousetrap. Who are your competitors? What are the mousetraps theyre offering like and how are they priced? What makes your mousetrap better? Is there even a need for a better mousetrap out there? Where is out there? Do you have the skills needed to identify and contact customers? Are you good at selling mousetraps? Can you develop a feasible marketing plan and promotional material? And what about business operations? Do you have the business knowledge to manage inventory and fill orders? Where all you going to store all your mousetraps and how are you going to get them to your customers? Have you found the suppliers you need and developed relationships with them? Have you set up a customer support policy? Business knowledge before you start a business is critical. All the drive and determination in the world isnt going to help you if you dont have the knowledge to actually run a successful business and dont bother to research and plan for your success appropriately. A friend of mine had long dreamed of opening a bookstore. So he did. Unfortunately, he hadnt bothered to study the competition or the demographics of the market in the area. It took less than a year for his bookstore to fail. He had the desire and the drive, but didnt have the knowledge he needed to apply them. So lets assume that you are a Type D Personality with all the business knowledge necessary to start a business. Are you a shoo-in for success? Not unless you have the money you need to start a business. Continue on to the next page to learn about finding start up money. Find Adequate Business Start Up Money Unless you personally have deep pockets, such as inherited wealth, figuring out where youre going to get the money to start your own business and getting the financing in place beforehand is going to be one of the most important components of planning your business. Finding adequate business start up money is especially critical because theres no guarantee that your business is going to make money right away, and certainly no guarantee that your new business will bring in enough money for you and your family to live on. You cant start a business without start-up capital, the total amount of money you need to open your doors for business, and to keep them open until sufficient revenue can be depended on. Youre also going to need operating capital to start a business, the amount of money it takes to keep the business going. Operating capital includes expenses such as salaries, wages, rent, expenses, supplies, utilities, advertising, depreciation, and interest payments. Small business advisors recommend that start-up expenses include at least six months operating capital. If you dont have deep pockets of your own, where do you get the business start-up money you need? According to a 1998 study of small- and medium-sized enterprises by Thompson Lightstone and Company, fifty percent of small- and medium-sized business owners report that they currently borrow from a financial institution, such as a bank. Twelve percent of SMEs finance their companies through private loans from friends or relatives and three percent by loans from non-related individuals. Forty-one percent use personal credit cards to finance their businesses. Personal assets, such as savings, (including RRSPs, pension funds, severance allowances), remortgaging property, credit cards, and personal property, are the most common initial source of business start up money for small businesses. This may be because people starting new businesses have no alternative; if you dont have much collateral or an established credit history, getting a small business loan can be difficult. (See my article, How To Get A Small Business Loan, to learn how to increase your chances of making a successful small business loan application.) In Right From Home: How To Start a Successful Home-Based Business, Barbara Mowat and Ted James state that money borrowed from family, relatives and friends makes up more than fifty percent of the loans to home-based businesses. They advise avoiding misunderstandings and bad feelings by always getting agreements about loans in writing and making sure that all loans are set up with proper security, any terms or conditions, and a payment schedule. This is sound advice to follow whenever you borrow money. What else do you need to start a business with staying power? Support. Click to continue reading The last of the five resources you must have to start a business that will be successful is a good support system. When youre thinking of business support, look first to the home front. Its no coincidence that most successful small business operators are married. While we like to talk about going it alone and running our own show, you cant start and run a successful small business without the support of other people. And who better than a supportive spouse to listen to your ideas or problems, and provide the encouragement or advice that keeps you going? In Entrepreneurship: A Profile For Canadians, (available from the Canadian Foundation for Economic Education), William E. Jennings points out that the successful entrepreneur usually has an exceptionally supportive spouse. He adds that these exceptional spouses dont just provide love and stability, but also specific support for the business, such as helping to provide the capital needed to start a business, or working in the company without pay to keep costs down. Spouses who contribute financially by working outside the business are also a common small business scenario. Having a supportive spouse is especially critical if you want to start a home-based business. As Barbara Mowat and Ted James say, in reality, you dont start a home business, your whole household does (Right From Home; Starting A Successful Home-Based Business).  You cant start a home-based business without considering what your family members think about the idea, what role(s) your family members might play in your business, and how your business is going to affect your home life. Without the active support of your family, your home-based business will fail. Talk out these issues beforehand and explore how supportive your family is before you start a business. Other business people are another valuable source of business support. No matter what kind of business youre thinking of starting, someone has been there and done that. Talking to other business people who have already established a successful business can go a long way towards avoiding pitfalls and provide insight into what works and what doesnt. Ive always found that other business people are willing to share their knowledge with others; if you cant find someone locally to talk to, theres a ever-growing network of business communities online (like this one!) where you can get the information you need, and sometimes good advice, too. Youre always welcome to post your questions and comments on the Small Business Canada forum. And my Business Support library has links to Canadian organizations where you can get advice, find a mentor, or just talk to someone. Q1.5: